Wall Art

The many visual arts are situated along a continuum, with essentially aesthetic goals at one end and merely utilitarian goals at the other. The names "artist" and "artisan," the latter of which is viewed as one who pays close attention to the utilitarian, reflects this dichotomy of intent. Art can be direct or complex, subtle or explicit, understandable or cryptic, and its subjects and methods are only limited by the imagination of the creator. Art can inspire astonishment or cynicism, hope or despair, admiration or hate. The Fine Arts Department at Lovely Professional University fosters creativity, design, dreaming, and vision. Using art, one may grasp the world. Not just the physical world, as science aims to do, but the entire universe, particularly the human world, the world of society, and the world of spirituality.
This wall art project, "The Creative Corner," features designs that portray the reality of life. For example, one painting shows a little boy trying to catch butterflies while perched on his father's shoulders. This is a representation of catching dreams. There are numerous other 3D paintings that depict both contemporary and classic art. Moreover, aesthetically pleasing wall art surrounds elevators to make waiting a little more enjoyable.
This initiative aids in the transition of conventional painting and coloring techniques to cutting-edge digital applications. The importance of the mural is realized as a member of a group of people with a diverse range of ideas and a distributive point of view who are also highly competent visionaries and creative in their thought processes in the realm of visual arts and culture.
These paintings depend on the individual's abilities to draw from their imagination, share stories, create unorthodox forms, and produce fascinating imagery from actual events. Exciting painting courses offer the chance to experiment with a variety of media, methods, and scales. By providing an artistic outlet to expand interest in fine art and personal experience via art, it enhances the ability to use imagination in entertainment. Set exploration defines competence and broadens the painting lexicon.
The fine arts produce multidisciplinary learning outcomes since they can be utilized to learn contemporary art forms or to decorate homes to add aesthetic value. Wall art has historically decorated the interiors and exteriors of numerous public structures, including palaces, temples, tombs, museums, libraries, churches, and the homes of wealthy art patrons. More recently, wall art has begun to appear on streets and various architectural elements, all the while maintaining its original meaning and purpose: to depict society through stories, values, dreams, and change.
It's no secret that wall art enhances the beauty of our neighborhoods. They brighten streets and build walls that could otherwise go unseen, which is enjoyable for both residents and visitors. Wall art can draw in new neighborhood companies, drive traffic to already-existing businesses, and generally assist an area's economy.
For this project, the faculty and the students of the Fine arts department have collaborated and contributed in designing and painting the wall art.

Description - “I am free, no matter what rules surround me. If I find them tolerable, I tolerate them; if I find them too obnoxious, I break them.”

Description - “Earth and sky, woods and fields, lakes and rivers, the mountain and the sea, are excellent schoolmasters, and teach some of us more than what we could learn from books.”

Description - "Never Let the Fear of Striking Out Keep You from Playing the Game."

Description - “ Colorful- future is created by what you do today.”

Description - “In the animal kingdom, the rule is, eat or be eaten; in the human kingdom, define or be defined.”

Description - “Illusion is an anodyne, bred by the gap between wish and reality.”

Description - “Imagine a different vision - the elephant as an octopus.”

Description - “You have to learn the rules of the game and then you have to play better than anyone else.”

Description - “Emotions are part of being human. Good positive emotions can be recognized, examined, nurtured, expanded, and acted upon.”

Description - "What I created got abominated." - Ralph H. Baer

Description - “Let the waves carry you where the light cannot”

Description - “It’s not who I am underneath, but what I do that defines me.”

Description - "A puzzle challenges the player to get from a problem to a solution."

Description - “Music is the literature of the heart; it commences where speech ends.”

Description - “The illusion is reality. The only contradiction is the observer.”

Description - “Focus on your goal like an eagle then you actually can grow.”

Description - “Technology is a useful servant but a dangerous master”

Description - “Nature is not a place to visit. It is home.”

Description - “Don’t just follow or chase your dreams; hunt them.”

Description - “The world is a dangerous place to live, not because of the people who are evil, but because of the people who don't do anything about it.”