Online Assessment System (OAS)

Assessment is a very integral part of education system as it helps to quantitatively establish that how learning outcome has been achieved. Out of various techniques to assess the learning outcomes, continuous assessment is universally accepted as most significant form which evaluates multiple facets of teaching-learning process such as student regularity and punctuality in class, student performance with respect to his peers and efficiency on the part of tutor to deliver curriculum. Pandemic of COVID-19 posed a major threat to disrupt and bring the entire education system to standstill. During these challenging times LPU implemented its in-house developed Online Assessment System (OAS). This system allows integration of multiple forms of assessments, be it students’ continuous assessment, practice tests for job placements, self-assessments, or staff training program assessments are conducted in a great way through this self-innovated digital platform.

Lovely Professional University has successfully registered the Online Assessment System (OAS) in the Copyright Office Government of India in year 2021.

Copyright Certificate

Copyright Letter

Key Features of OAS

  1. Multiple types of questions.
  2. Test Planning and Scheduling.
  3. Customized Tests.
  4. Configurable Roles & Permissions.
  5. Onscreen Evaluation for Instant Results.
  6. Multilanguage Support.
  7. Configuration with difficulty levels.
  8. Integration with LMS/ UMS.
  9. Accessible through Desktop and Mobile.
  10. Exhaustive Reports and Dashboard.

Advantages of using OAS:

  1. Assessment Made Easy.
  2. Paper wastage Minimized.
  3. Preparation time Reduced.
  4. Auto Evaluation.
  5. Better Analysis and Decision Making.
  6. Learning is Enhanced.

Statistics of Year 2021


Tests Created


Distinct users
attempted the Tests


Unique Questions
punched in question pool


Maximum No. of
Tests created by single faculty


Maximum No. of
Tests attempted by single student