Global Partnership - Strategy of the Year

MoU: LPU’s stand has been strategic and need based while signing MoUs with the world. We factor in that every region, every country and continent has specific needs of Internationalization. COVID travel restriction had stopped most of the activity related to MoU. Responding to the lack of physical mobility, LPU recouped up its internationalization strategy in 2021, and put in a strategic team of researchers, professors and international specialists to sign MoU with other countries of the world.
Through such initiative we were able to develop 145 new MoUs in year 2021 with universities in more than 30 countries.
Further, to ensure action under MoUs, LPU on-boarded faculty members of partner universities as honorary adjunct faculty, who in turn, taught virtually, and provided research guidance to the students.
Success of these efforts can be gauged by the below mentioned activities under the MoU:


  • The biggest success of this internationalization effort was the successful grant of approx. 1 million Euros by the European Commission, under a capacity building project.The project, SPIRIT, was on addressing the problem of chronic non-communicable diseases which have emerged as a huge global health problem in low- and middle-income countries in South Asia. Under the project, extensive studies are being conducted by the 12 member consortium to develop solutions for this issue.

    MoU signing ceremony with 11 countries

  • Our team also got another project, “ Enhancing Green Economy in 3 countries of Asia (EGEA)”. Under this project researcher at LPU explored the use of agri-waste for soil fertility, crop yield increase, energy, biogas production and to treat waste water followed by knowledge dissemination among rural communities through trainings, workshops and teaching modules.
  • Under Erasmus scheme team also got third project titled, Enhancing female entrepreneurship in India (ENPRENDIA). LPU opened a centre by the name of ‘The Centre for Women’s Studies and Research’ for improving the life of women. The Centre conducted many activities including  workshops to teach and achieve gender equality  and issuing reports on the status of women in surveying the obstacles women face in our societies. Many of the activities happened virtually while engaging 13 partner universities.
  • Another project which team initiated during this time was with our old partner university, Cardiff Metropolitan University, UK and Intellectual Property office of UK. Our team worked to deliver a project on Food Technology in the name of Entrepreneurship in Food.
Other activities achieved with collaborations:
  • Adjunct Faculty: Accelerated engagement with International faculty resulted in on boarding faculty as honorary faculty of LPU. 25 professors from partner and non-partner universities joined us as an honorary adjunct faculty at LPU. These professors indulge in various guest lectures and guided students for research activities.

    LPU visiting International Faculty during the year 2021
  • Student Exchange & Credit Transfer: LPU had successfully conducted student exchange program and credit transfer program with foreign partners. LPU students enthusiastically took part in the student exchange program. LPU also received students under student exchange from partner universities from USA and Lithuania, France and Indonesia.
  • LPU students were also benefited by the credit transfer program of LPU and their dream of foreign higher education was fulfilled

Krishan Gopal Sharma, Student of Computer Science Engineering of LPU during his period of exchange at Vytautas Magnus University, Lithuania (30/08/2021 to 31/01/2022)

Raja Sampath, Student of MBA of LPU under credit transfer program at University of North Alabama, USA