Digital Internationalisation through Virtual Collaboration

COLE:  40 guest lectures were conducted online from 8th Feb2021-09th Mar 2021 for the students of LPU during a month long Collaborative Online learning and Engagement (COLE) Festival with our Partner Universities from around the world.

Academic lecture by Dr. Venkatesh Vijay from Birmingham City University, UK to the students of Game Designing at LPU

Academic Lecture by Dr. Dale Richards from Nottingham Trent University, UK to the students of Mechanical Engineering at LPU on the topic of “Human Factors Engineering”

COIL: A joint study on Asian History was organized by LPU from 30th Sep 2021-16th Nov 2021, history department and Langara college, Canada History department through Collaborative Online Intercultural Learning – Virtual Exchange (COIL-VE) by 80 students of Langara College, Canada

Session by Prof. Avram Agov of Langara College, Canada providing insights about the Asian Studies to the joint group of students of LPU and Langara College, Canada under Collaborative Online Intercultural Learning – Virtual Exchange (COIL-VE)

Fore more details…….

Indonesia Teacher Training:  A bespoke course on the Art of Virtual Teaching for Indonesian High School teachers was delivered to 400 Indonesian high school teachers from 2 different provinces of Indonesia. This online faculty training program of the Indonesian High School teachers was about communication and teaching through online medium. More than 500 Indonesian High School Teachers participated in the 3 day online training. We started a series of Virtual teachers training program in 2020 which continued in 2021 also

Online teaching program for the Indonesian High School Teachers by the name of “Art of Virtual Teaching

ITEC project: Indian Technical and Economic Cooperation (ITEC) programme held from 24th May-28th May 2021 on ‘IT Tools for effective administration’ was delivered to professionals from 20 countries comprising of High Commissions, Ministries of SAARC, and Latin American, African countries, Turkmenistan.

Indian Technical and Economic Cooperation (ITEC) programme were conducted at LPU with theme of “certificate program in adapting to new era of blended teaching” & “certificate course in it tools for effective administration”

IHE Conference: LPU conducted an online conference on  by the name of “Conference on International Higher Education Opportunities in the Post COVID World,” to discuss the post Covid-19 impact on the International Higher Education. Minister of Education was the chief guest and 12 chancellors and Vice-chancellors of foreign Universities participated in the conference.

Snapshot of the participants of International Higher Education conference. Shri Ramesh Pokhriyal ‘Nishank’ Ji, Minister of Education was the chief guest of the conference.

For more details…..