Teaching Effectiveness Rating Engine (TERE)

A Dynamic Real-Time Feedback Tool for Capturing Student Feedback on Teaching

Lovely Professional University (LPU) is deeply committed to ensuring a comprehensive and exceptional educational experience for its students, offering a myriad of academic and non-academic services. At the heart of this commitment is the University Management System (UMS), an innovative umbrella software module designed to provide a seamless platform for students to access all the services the university has to offer. This single-user login system is the gateway to a wealth of resources and tools that enhance the overall learning experience.

One of the pivotal components of a student's academic journey is the classroom teaching. However, it's essential to acknowledge that the classroom learning experience can vary significantly from one student to another. Recognizing the need for a more personalized approach to student learning, LPU has taken the initiative to develop mechanisms that not only enhance the student's learning experience but also contribute to the continuous improvement of course instructors.

In pursuit of the dual goals of optimizing student satisfaction with their learning experience and facilitating ongoing enhancements in teaching methods, LPU has introduced a ground-breaking system known as the Teaching Effectiveness Rating Engine (TERE). This system, developed in-house, is a proprietary solution that redefines how feedback is collected and leveraged in an academic setting. TERE's innovative approach involves real-time feedback, enabling the university to take corrective actions promptly, as issues are reported.

TERE operates as an integrated, user-friendly system within the LPU ecosystem, complementing the in-house application LPUTouch. It simplifies the process of collecting feedback by automatically retrieving lecture details from course registration data. The system allows students to share their feedback, provided they have been marked as "PRESENT" in the lecture. With just a few clicks, students can express their thoughts on the lecture through predefined metrics, rated on a 5-point scale. These metrics include the quality of content, the use of live examples and application-oriented teaching, student interaction and doubt-clearing abilities, the quality of lecture delivery, value-added to the lecture, and the overall quality of the lecture.

The real-time feedback collected through TERE is made available on a graphical dashboard that is accessible to course instructors and department heads. This platform offers a unique opportunity for both students and teachers to actively engage in the improvement of the learning experience. Teachers can evaluate their performance and pedagogical approaches, fostering a continuous process of growth and development. In addition, TERE provides students with the means to convey their feedback directly to the department heads, ensuring that their voices are heard and concerns addressed promptly. The TERE algorithm is designed to capture the satisfaction levels of students in every lecture, creating a robust feedback loop.

To facilitate data analysis and presentation, the TERE feedback system is integrated with Power BI, a powerful data analytics tool. The TERE dashboard, enriched with statistical and visual analytics, serves as a comprehensive platform for monitoring and evaluating the student satisfaction associated with each lecture. Moreover, it presents an average teaching effectiveness score for each course instructor and the entire school, making it easier to identify areas in need of improvement and enhancement. Recommendations for such improvements are also provided, offering actionable insights for further development.

It's worth noting that the TERE Feedback Dashboard is accessible to the Heads of Schools and senior management of Lovely Professional University. This exclusive access empowers academic leaders to make informed decisions that span a wide spectrum, all directed towards elevating the university's standards of teaching and learning.

Lovely Professional University's commitment to delivering a holistic and exceptional educational experience is exemplified through the innovative Teaching Effectiveness Rating Engine (TERE). This system not only facilitates real-time feedback from students but also empowers instructors to refine their teaching methods continually. With a robust data analytics component, TERE ensures that every lecture is assessed for student satisfaction and teaching effectiveness. Through TERE, LPU is leading the charge in enhancing the quality of education it offers and setting new standards in academia.

Left-Student selecting the lecture topic from the instructional plan; Right: Feedback Screen
TRRE Dashboard with the dynamic and quantitative feedback for multiple course teachers in a single window.
Lecture Feedback
Lecture Feedback