
Even in the 21st century stereotypical patriarchal mindset influences Indian society to a great extent. Women despite having jobs have to manage household chores without support while men have to cater the household expenses even if their wives are earning. Both genders somehow are influenced to abide by this orthodox path which is vividly portrayed by the students with the collaboration and guidance of the staff of Lovely Professional University through this short film called ‘Poorak’. This short film depicts the story of a husband and wife who go by the same set of rules until one unfortunate day the husband is given a termination letter. Fearing the financial state of their household he is forced to take help from his wife the idea of which was earlier rejected by him. This short film conveys a very powerful message that roles should not be divided on the basis of gender and it is equally valid if women of the family take up the financial responsibility and men take care of their homes. 

Due to the limitations of the pandemic, both actors could not shoot together as they were in different locations maintaining the social distancing norms and using the techniques of editing available, shots filmed separately were merged together to make the film.
Social media platforms have vast reach and can reach the audience of all strata of society sensitive issues like these can be raised and highlighted.

The patriarchal nature of Indian society is being addressed and improving day-by-day. The proof of this can be evidently seen from ‘labor force participation rate (LFPR)’, the statistical data. It shows the participation of women in jobs has immensely increased. The project targets different sects of the society to aware them to change their attitude towards working women by stating that their jobs are also a matter of priority and while pursuing their career they need support. It also conveys that in this time the duties of taking care of house or family or financial responsibility is not limited to gender specific norms.
This is a unique project as the students had challenge of shooting two actors in isolation at different locations which would eventually be edited together into a sequence. Students shot this film with a plan, each shot was taken with a view that it would be joined with another shot later.
The plan of the students worked and it's difficult to spot the fact that the characters are in two different locations. Lighting of the film was done in a way that there is consistency in lighting for both the characters and same goes for the shots.

For this project, the faculty and students of Department of Performing Arts and Department of Film & T.V. Production, Lovely Professional University, Punjab, India have collaborated and contributed in various stages. May it be planning and organization, direction, acting, make-up, costume designing, studio work, video designing or any background role.