An Automated Application for
Students and Staff Members of LPU

An Automated Application for Students and Staff Members of LPU
The landscape of higher education has undergone significant transformations over the past five years, marking a period of change since the millennials began their formal journey in academia. The educational terrain has shifted, with students now expressing a strong preference for accessing their academic resources through mobile devices such as smartphones and tablets. In today's fast-paced digital era, open educational resources have further empowered students, allowing them to engage in self-directed learning on their mobile devices, at their convenience and leisure. Consequently, there has been a notable shift towards students expecting academic services to be readily accessible through their digital devices.
In response to these evolving expectations and the rapid integration of technology into education, faculty and staff members have also adapted to embrace new technological advancements. Their tech-savviness has allowed them to keep pace with the changing needs of students and the broader educational landscape. Recognizing these changing dynamics, Lovely Professional University (LPU) has taken proactive steps to meet the digital demands of its students and staff. The university has developed a cutting-edge, in-house application known as "LPU Touch," which offers students and staff members seamless access to a wide array of records and services provided by LPU.
The LPU Touch mobile application is designed to be inclusive, catering to users of various platforms, including Android, iOS, and Windows. To access this application, students and staff members are required to log in securely with a password. Once logged in, they gain access to a multitude of services and records, offering a comprehensive digital experience. Below is a comprehensive list of some of the services available to students through the LPU Touch application:

1.Continuous Assessment Marks: This feature enables students to view the scores they have achieved in assignments and academic tasks across various courses.
2. University Announcements: It provides information about communications made by the university in the form of announcements or personal messages.
3. Statement of Accounts: Students can review their fee payment records and account balances.
4. Course-Wise Attendance Details: This feature allows students to access information about their attendance for each course, along with an overall attendance record.
5. Examination Schedule: Students can check the course-wise examination date, time, and venue information.
6. Examination Results: This section includes examination results, GPAs, and course-wise grades and marks.
7.Library Search and Book Issue Records: It enables students to search for books available in the library through the Library Management System and review their book issue records.
8. Doctor's Appointment: For medical emergencies, the university has a dedicated hospital (UNI-Hospital) on campus. Students can use this option to book appointments with the available doctors.
9.Lecture Feedback: This feature allows students to provide feedback on individual lectures through the Teaching Effectiveness Rating Engine (TERE) system of LPU.
10. Laboratory Feedback: Students can provide feedback on laboratory conduct and resource availability through the Laboratory Resource Reporting Engine (LRRE) system of LPU.
11. Scheduling Appointments: Students have the convenience of scheduling appointments with mentors or department heads.

Likewise, staff members have their own set of services and records accessible through the LPU Touch application:

1. Staff Leave Record: Staff members can manage their leave records through this feature.
2. Training Records: Information regarding staff training is readily accessible.
3. Marking Lecture Attendance: Staff can record and manage lecture attendance.
4. Research Dashboard: Researchers can access and manage research-related data and activities.
5. Salary Details: This section provides access to salary-related information.
6. Doctor's Appointment: Similar to students, staff members can also book appointments with the doctors at UNI-Hospital.
7. Ongoing and Pending Planner Tasks: Staff can review their ongoing and pending tasks.
8. University Announcements: Important university announcements are accessible through the application.
9. University Events: Details about university events and activities are available.
10. Lecture Schedule: Staff members can access their lecture schedules for effective planning.
11. Examination-Related Tasks: Staff members can efficiently manage tasks related to examinations.
12. Laboratory Indents: This feature allows staff to submit and track laboratory indents.
13. Laboratory Feedback: Staff can provide feedback on laboratory resources and conduct.
14. Library Search: Access the library's resources and catalog.
15. Scheduling Appointments: Staff members can easily schedule appointments as needed.

LPU Touch represents a singular and comprehensive application, serving as the mobile version of the university's in-house Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) software, known as the University Management System (UMS). This application has ushered in a new era of convenience for students and staff members, streamlining their daily activities and interactions with the university. It provides a one-stop solution for managing various academic and administrative tasks, making education and administrative processes more efficient.
As a result, the LPU Touch application has become an integral part of the daily lives of every student and staff member at the university. Its accessibility through smartphones ensures that users can engage with the university's resources and services anytime, anywhere, meeting the growing demand for flexible and convenient digital access to academic and administrative functions.
In essence, LPU Touch is not just an application; it is a testament to Lovely Professional University's commitment to innovation, technology integration, and student-centric solutions. It represents the university's dedication to providing its community with a contemporary and seamless experience that aligns with the ever-evolving digital landscape. This forward-thinking approach is driving enhanced engagement, efficiency, and overall satisfaction for students and staff members alike, positioning LPU at the forefront of the digital education landscape.