The purpose of this policy is to provide a clear framework for staff who wishes to appeal against a particular action and/or policy of the University.
The Procedure, including any time limits, may be varied as appropriate and reasonable in any case.
This policy and procedure applies to all staff members of the University including Teaching, Administrative, Technical and Class IV staff who wish to exercise their right to appeal against formal warnings and termination of employment under relevant University procedures including:
1. Disciplinary proceedings.
2. Performance evaluation by Heads.
3. Leaves and attendance related.
4. Pay, promotions, appraisals and increments.
5. Any other matter as deemed appropriate.
1. Introduction
1.1 Staff member may appeal against decisions made in accordance with the University’s policies and procedures.
1.2 The purpose of the appeal process is to consider the grounds of appeal submitted by the staff and is not a re-hearing of the case.
1.3 Where a staff appeals against a decision to dismiss, the decision shall not take effect until the appeal has been evaluated except where the dismissal is for gross misconduct.
1.4 The outcome of an appeal against a decision may be to confirm, reduce, or dismiss the earlier decision.
2. Making an appeal.
2.1 Appeal can be submitted :
Through Concerned Head:
In case of any query/appeal, all the staff members are requested to discuss the same with their respective HOS/COS/HD/CD. The concerned HOS/COS/HD/CD shall provide a copy of appeal to the Division of Human Resource.
Through OMS and written application (Office Management System):
A staff member can also put RMS in case of any query or book a slot for discussion by putting a formal appointment for interaction with the concerned Human Resource Head between 4.30 P.M to 5.30 P.M. via UMS as per the following navigation:
Division of Planning and Governance ==> e Governance ==>OMS Appointment==>Request for OMS Appointment
A written appeal may be provided to the HR in person at the time of interaction.
Through RMS (Relationship Management System):
Staff members of the University can submit their issues and requests including grievances, feedback, queries and suggestions. A staff member may submit a RMS by following the link:
UMS Navigation --> Relationship Management System --> Log Request --> Select Message Type --> Select Department --> Select category --> Select Subcategory.
2.2 An appeal against a formal warning or decision to dismiss must be received in writing by the Division of Human Resource no later than five working days after receipt of the written outcome letter. Pane shall be constituted accordingly.
2.3 The panel hearing the appeal, shall be provided all relevant information at least two days in advance of the hearing by the Division of Human Resource.
2.4 Division of Human Resource will arrange for the appeal to be heard as soon as feasible.
3.1 In the event of an appeal against a formal warning, the appeal hearing will be conducted by aconcerned at a similar or a level senior to the concerned who made the original decision. A team member of the Division of Human Resource shall be deputed to provide needful inputs and record the proceedings.
3.2 The appeal will address the issues raised in the grounds for appeal as submitted to the Division of Human Resource. Where the grounds for appeal are based on new evidence, material or witnesses (in case applicable), the staff must provide a clear explanation of the relevance of the information, stating why it was not possible to present it at the initial hearing.
3.3 The staff will be notified of the appeal hearing details in writing and will be given at least five working days’ notice of the time, date and location of the hearing, or in the case of an appeal against dismissal, 10 working days’ notice.
3.4 Once the evidence has been considered, the following options are available:
3.4.1 Uphold the appeal;
3.4.2 Reject the appeal and uphold the original decision.
In the event that the staff fails to attend the appeal hearing without prior notification and/or without substantial reason, then the panel hearing the appeal will consider the case and make a decision in the absence of the staff in case they are unable to find a valid reason supported by evidence for the reason of the appeal.
All related records (including those of the investigation and appeal hearing) will remain strictly confidential.