These guidelines aims on Identification, locating, measuring the main impact of alien species and then developing and implementing various strategies in order to protect the biodiversity. LPU may adopt a broad, diversified strategy to lessen their effects since there are simple ways to do like identifying, monitoring, public awareness, and education.
1. To maintain and conserve areas of all ecosystems in good condition wherever available in the campus.
2. To adopt strategic approach by starting with plan of:
2.1 Identification of type of problem
2.2 Location of problem
2.3 Concentration present
2.4 Measurement method
2.5 Damage observed
3. Develop proactive strategy to prevent introduction, establishment, survival, reproduction and dispersal of an emerging weed before it becomes a major problem.
4. Develop strategic approach to identifying and selecting appropriate weed control methods for its implementation.
5. Strategic approach to pest and disease management involves evaluating pest and disease issues that arise, and then applying the most appropriate solution.
6. To reduce the impact of alien species on the green and other areas of the LPU campus.
7. To conduct risk assessments to identify and prioritize potential unwanted invasive species based on their potential impact and pathways of introduction.
8. Promote research on the biology, ecology, and impacts of invasive species in University.
9. Develop and implement control and eradication programs for established invasive species, with a focus on minimizing their spread and impact.
1. University must adopt appropriate mitigation activities to reduce the harmful impact of alien activities.
2. Upon identification of the affected area on campus, if any, steps to be taken immediately by following effective methods to reduce the impact of occurrence.
3. To adopt appropriate methods of weed control by following various strategies:
3.1 Human Resources Led Control
3.2 Controlling Disturbance Processes
3.3 Herbicide application
3.4 Biological Control
4. To adopt Strategic Approach to Pest control
4.1 By maintaining the landscapes to minimize the impact of pests
4.2 Insect monitoring
4.3 Disease monitoring
4.4 Physical & mechanical methods
5. Seeking to reduce the use of synthetic chemical herbicides on campus
6. Initiative to protect local habitats
7. Educating students on biodiversity
8. Enhancing research on the reduction of the impact of alien species