These guidelines aims on identifying, monitoring and protecting IUCN red listed species. IUCN red list species data is collected to inform and catalyse action for biodiversity conservation which gives conservation status of species around the world.
1. To collect scientific data on the status of IUCN red listed species if any.
2. To address the factors of concern and spread awareness regarding the IUCN red listed species and biodiversity extinction.
3. To plan a layout for the conservation of biodiversity.
4. To conserve the valuable species within the University premises.
5. Ensure optimum land use, water management, and the conservation of natural resources.
6. Empower and motivate staff and students through environmental awareness programmes.
The strategy for the conservation of nature is as follows:
1. Assess – Focus on monitoring species status and trends of biodiversity and providing measures for the protection of our biosphere.
2. Plan – Aims to enhance collaborative and science-based strategies to ensure the most effective species conservation actions.
3. Act – Improve the status of biodiversity, by mobilizing actions involving governments, educational institutions, civil society, and the private sector. Maintaining crop and seed museum.
4. Communicate – The effectiveness of species conservation work is enhanced through strategic and targeted communications.
5. To carry-out research in conserving biodiversity.
6. To conserve and work towards local biodiversity and area around.
7. University must ensure that students learn to live with conserved species without hurting their self and the species.
8. To involve with local environmental group such as Conservation Volunteers and start related activities with University students.
9. Creating provision of planting native species wherever applicable in the University campus which can provide shelter to native birds.