Processes to prevent polluted water
entering the water system

Lovely professional University ensure the prevention of accidental polluted water into university and therefore takes stringent measures to safeguard fresh water supply from entry of Polluted Water. In this regard university has dedicated guidelines to ensure the prevention of polluted water, harmful water or any polluted water from accidents and incidents in surroundings/University to clean water and must take steps in this direction.

To improve water quality and prevent pollution, LPU actively reduces pollution by eliminating waste dumping, minimizing the release of hazardous chemicals and materials, and enhancing recycling and safe reuse practices. The university regularly treats campus water and takes measures to minimize chemical releases, particularly from laboratories, through the use of loft tanks, which help prevent pollutants from entering the water pipelines. These initiatives reduce untreated wastewater and improve the ambient water quality for every individual on campus.

LPU also prioritizes awareness and education by providing training to industrialists and all students & staff on pollution prevention, emergency procedures, and best practices in water management. The university actively raises awareness among the campus community about the importance of water conservation and pollution prevention.

Moreover, LPU collaborates with industries and agricultural practices in the surrounding area to promote best management practices that minimize groundwater pollution. To better understand the impact of industrial pollution on water quality and public health, environmental science experts at LPU engage in discussions about the detrimental effects of industrial pollution on water bodies. These discussions include recommendations for proper waste disposal, wastewater treatment, and the use of pollution control technologies.

Water Pollution Prevention Approaches:

LPU implements robust systems to prevent contaminated water from entering its water infrastructure. Polluted water from laboratories and other wastewater is channeled through a well-connected sanitary system directly to the Sewage Treatment Plant (STP). Here, the university employs integrated biological and tertiary treatment technologies to purify the water.

Biological Treatment: LPU uses the Activated Sludge Process, where organic material is broken down by microorganisms in a bioreactor, generating nutrient-enriched sludge.
Tertiary Treatment: Effluent from the bioreactor undergoes further purification using pressure filters through sand and activated carbon. The water is then treated with sodium hypochlorite to remove any remaining bacteria. This treated water is repurposed for irrigation of horticultural crops, watering gardens, and construction activities, ensuring resource efficiency.

Water Pollution Entry Prevention and Control Measures:
Risk Assessment and Management:  LPU conducts regular risk assessments to identify potential sources of water pollution and has developed a comprehensive water system management plan. This plan includes prevention, control, and emergency response strategies to safeguard water quality.  The water distribution network is gravity-fed, reducing reliance on electricity or backup generators. Bulk storage tanks are positioned strategically, and fire tanks are placed on the periphery of the campus for emergencies, ensuring water availability during unforeseen contingencies.
Infrastructure and Design:  LPU’s water systems are designed with features to contain accidental spills and prevent the ingress of polluted water. The sewerage system is laid separately from the water distribution network, connecting all sewage lines to the STP.  The university has also implemented rainwater harvesting systems across the campus to recharge borewells and enhance groundwater levels, contributing to long-term water sustainability.
Natural Disaster Preparedness:  LPU has established an emergency plan specifically addressing natural disasters, such as floods or landslides, to protect water systems. Early warning systems and regular drills are conducted for staff responsible for water safety, ensuring swift responses during crises.
Chemical and Waste Management:  LPU follows best practices for storing and handling hazardous materials, preventing contamination of water systems. Wastewater and sewage from hostels and academic buildings are treated at the university’s STP, and treated water is reused in landscaping and construction.  The university ensures proper waste disposal systems are in place and regularly maintained to minimize environmental impact.
Monitoring and Reporting:  A routine monitoring program is in place to detect any signs of water pollution. Any incidents or infrastructure issues that may lead to water system contamination are immediately reported and addressed.
Emergency Response Plan:  LPU maintains a comprehensive emergency response plan with clear procedures for immediate action in the event of polluted water entering the water systems, ensuring minimal disruption to campus operations.
Regular Inspection and Maintenance:  A dedicated water maintenance team is responsible for regularly inspecting the water distribution network and addressing any damage to ensure flawless supply of potable water across campus. Potable water samples are analyzed quarterly, and free chlorine levels are checked daily at drinking water points to maintain water quality.

Loft water tank for pretreatment of water

LPU’s Proactive Approach for Water Treatment

LPU conducts water quality tests regularly to monitor the quality of water being supplied that includes physical and chemical analysis from a standard water testing lab. In addition to this university has dedicated STP to treat any type of polluted water and to prevent any harm to natural water bodies. University also has provision treating bio-medical waste water in loft tanks at different locations through out the campus. Further, university proactively promotes educational awareness among the community to regulate and prevent the entry of waste water.

Guidelines on water use and its discharge in campus

(Reviewd: 2022)


Water is a blessing for human life and natural water resources are being exhausted to meet its increasing requirement since it doesn’t have a substitute. Therefore, recycling or reuse of water is important for sustainable development and to ensure the availability of clean water to future generations

Lovely Professional University thus has contributed in various ways and numerous efforts by initiating integrated efforts to ensure adequate infrastructure, processes and guidelines, in line with Government, for providing the sufficient and sustainable water facilities within Campus. Comprehensive and continuous efforts are made by the University to facilitate safe and affordable drinking water. In addition, efforts for the treatment of waste water produced in Campus and maximization its use also been made.


The scope of these guidelines is to provide a roadmap and guidelines with background and a broad conceptual framework for planning/implementing strategies for sustainable development that includes water management, conservation of water, water security and educational programs for increasing awareness.


  • To maximize the judicious use of water in the campus.
  • To increase the awareness among campus population and nearby localities for the sustainable use and reuse/recycle of water
  • To ensure the 24 X 7 availability of free and clean drinking water to all inside the campus.
  • To ensure the sewage treatment as per the prevailing norms.
  • To contribute towards upliftment of ground water table level.
  • To establish and maintain water quality standards through pretreatment before it discharge that safeguard the ecological integrity of the water bodies.


University must make dedicated efforts towards the provision of fresh water facilities as well as the treatment of water. For achieving clean water and sanitation, the University must introduce various processes and policies such as:+

4.1 Access to Free and Clean Water

  • University must provide clean and free drinking water facility to the entire Campus population.
  • There must be routine water audits and water quality checks from accredited or certified agency, to ensure the quality of water.
  • The water filters must be cleaned/serviced regularly to ensure the un-interrupted supply of clean and safe water, from certified service providers.
  • To ensure the minimum wastage of clean water, the automatic sensor-based urinal pot, semi-automatic minimum water usage push button taps, two button toilet flush water tanks, water saving spray jet nozzles etc. must be installed in Campus.
  • The volume of water extracted from underground, aquifers, lakes, or any natural water body, for this purpose, must be recorded using water meters across whole University.
  • For ensuring the adequate supply of clean water, University must organize awareness programs, seminars, workshops, plays campaigns etc. must be organized from time to time both within and outside the University campus, focusing on key indicators of clean water, water reuse, water security and management.
  • University should emphasize the importance of conservation of water, water management, by implementing these strategies in the curriculum and daily activities of the university for sustainable development.
  • University must ensure the proper utilization of overhead tanks for storing water and using it for drip irrigation, horticulture and agriculture.
  • University must contribute towards the global mission of “Clean Water” by co- operating with local, regional, national or international bodies/NGOs/Governmental agencies, etc. to work on water security.
  • A separate water treatment plant (Reverse Osmosis plant) can be installed for each block for supply of purified water.
  • All the waste discharge from university must be pretreated to remove any hazardous and toxic material before discharge to environmental bodies. The treated water can be tested timely to ensure the quality of water being discharge and meet the prescribed standards before its discharge.

4.2 Treatment of Waste water

  • Adequate number of Sewage Treatment Plants (STPs) must be installed at various location inside the Campus to treat the waste water.
  • University will direct its efforts to optimize the capacity of the STPs for treating the waste water.
  • University must focus on utilization of treated water for flushing the toilets.
  • The waste water produced in the Campus must be disposed-off to the surroundings only after pretreatment of the same. This must be as per the Punjab Pollution Control Board and/or Central Pollution Control Board guidelines to protect human health and healthy ecosystems (both aquatic i.
    e. freshwater as well as marine restrial ecosystems).
  • The treated water can be used for irrigation purposes, toilet cleaning, etc. and must take efforts to use gray water.
  • The waste water expected to be rich in microbial content must be disposed-off after pretreatment as per Bio Medical Waste Management guidelines laid down by Govt. of India.
  • The quality of treated water must also be examined on a timely basis to ensure the proper functioning of Sewage Treatment Plants.
  • The sewage treated water can be used for irrigation of trees, using The Karnal Technology.
  • University must ensure that the discharge water may not affect the aquatic ecosystem.

4.3 Rain water harvesting

  • University must provide rain-water harvesting bores within the Campus to ensure the recycling of rain water and contribute towards sustainable development.
  • The volume of rain water harvested must be measured using water meters and the consequent effect of ground water recharging must be monitored.
  • University must ensure the prevention of polluted water, harmful water or any polluted water from accidents and incidents in surroundings/University to clean water and must take steps in this direction.
  • The collection of rain water must be collected through surface runoff collection from terraces that is connected to a rainwater recharge well by a pipe line.
  • Ensure the discharged rainwater does not pose health or safety risks to the public, environment and water bodies.

4.4 Other Initiatives
University must take following initiatives for the water use with in the campus:

  • Implement building standards to minimize water usage and maximize water reuse. The quantity of reused water must be recorded.
  • Implement water conservation method like drip irrigation, leakage repairs, and condensate recovery.
  • Implementation of water recycling techniques including dissolved air flotation, biological treatment, granular activated carbon, softening, disinfection, deionization and filtration etc.
  • Initiate plantation such that the plants (Drought resistant plants) require lesser water for growth and sustenance.
  • Initiate in-designing of the campus roads with saucer drain section to collect water from the road network and from the paver’s walkways.
  • Initiate by installing solar water pumps to run the water pumping system in the campus.
  • Implementation of water filling in overhead water tanks with a time-controlled pumping system at individual campus buildings.
  • University must carry out collaborative research to address issues on aquatic (freshwater and marine) ecosystem.
  • Compliance with government guidelines for the water discharge to protect the ecosystem.
  • Ensure the 24 x 7 supply of quality potable water.
  • In order to minimize water usage, students are encouraged to use buckets instead of showers.
  • University increase vegetation cover in order to prevent top soil erosion.
  • Prioritize source reduction, recycling, and treatment before water discharge.
  • Avoid discharging near sensitive ecosystems, wetlands, or water bodies with fragile habitats.

These guidelines must be reviewed periodically considering the data stats and analysis to overcome the system lags and ensure the sustainable supply of clean water.

Punjab pollution control board water pollution and prevention control

Lovely Professional University has established legal agreements with the Punjab Pollution Control Board for water pollution prevention and control. This partnership underscores LPU’s commitment to environmental sustainability and aligns with regional goals for water and resource security. By collaborating with the board, LPU actively mitigates potential waste-related risks to water sources, ensuring responsible management of pollutants and safeguarding local water quality for the community. This initiative reflects LPU's dedication to fostering a healthier environment and promoting sustainable practices.
Click here

Drinking Water Testing Report

LPU's commitment to sustainability is exemplified through its rigorous and continuous water testing program, a vital initiative in ensuring that the water supplied and used on campus meets the highest standards of safety and cleanliness. This program not only safeguards the health and well-being of students, faculty, and staff but also demonstrates the university's dedication to responsible water management. By conducting regular water tests, LPU reinforces the importance of water quality and conservation, setting a commendable example for sustainable practices. This initiative extends beyond the campus, contributing to a healthier and more environmentally conscious future for society at large.
Click here to view

Educational Awareness to prevent entry of polluted water

  • LPU promotes educational awareness to prevent polluted water entry, with expert faculty delivering a Short-Term Course on "Enhancing Skills in Water Demand and Supply Management" for external participants, bolstering water security and social impact.
  • Through outreach initiatives, LPU’s HRDC hosted a workshop on preventing polluted water entry, offering hands-on training in water supply networks, GIS mapping, and EPANET for effective water management.
  • LPU students organized the "Go Clean & Safe" campaign, promoting a water-less car wash concept to reduce water use and prevent detergent-laden wastewater from polluting natural water sources.
  • In collaboration with NCC, LPU students led a "Clean Drive" along the Sutlej River, raising awareness on waste reduction and its impact on preserving water quality, aligning with SDG 6 and local water security efforts. Click here

MOU signed with Local Bodies on Water Security

Lovely Professional University has established several legal agreements for responsible waste management, contributing to local and regional environmental security and sustainable resource use:

  • E-Waste Management: Agreement with M/S Shivalik Solid Waste Management Limited for the safe collection and disposal of e-waste.
  • Oil Waste Management: Agreement with M/S Puneet Refineries for proper disposal of oil waste.
  • Solid Waste Management: Agreement with M/S Shakti Garbage for efficient solid waste collection and disposal.
  • Bio-Medical Waste Management: Agreement with M/S Bio-Medical Waste Treatment Plant Private Limited, Pathankot, ensuring safe biomedical waste handling.
  • Bio-Medical Waste Regulation: Agreement with the Punjab Pollution Control Board for compliance in managing biomedical waste.
  • Hazardous Waste Regulation: Agreement with the Punjab Pollution Control Board to ensure safe disposal of hazardous materials.

These partnerships support LPU’s commitment to environmental sustainability and align with regional goals for water and resource security by mitigating potential waste-related risks to water sources. Click here to view