Punjab State Youth Festival

With vision and mission to promote statewide competitions in cultural sphere and to encourage talented youth of Punjab state to compete with optimistic attitude and full zeal, the Government of Punjab is organizing Punjab State Youth Festival 2021 from 2nd to 4th January at the campus of Lovely Professional University, Punjab.

Virsa is the heritage passed on to us from the past by traditions, customs, and practices. Punjabi Virsa is one of the richest cultures in the world. Its diversity and exceptionality is evinced in the Punjabi poetry, spirituality, philosophy, education, art, music, military warfare, architecture, traditions, practices, ideals and history. The empathy and vivification manifested in the lifestyle of people of Punjab is exceptional. Punjabis are known for their strong fortitude and their culture showcases a rich Virsa of ancient civilizations.

The three day Punjab State Youth Festival 2021 at Lovely Professional University would leverage on the understanding, innovative ideas, capabilities that Youth of the state exhibits during the festival. In the present challenging time, they are vastly connected and integrated through online and offline communication channels. The PSYF 2021 destines to focus on bringing forth the interest of the state Youth towards expression and manifestation of their talents on selected thematic interfaces.

First three Winners of the various competitive events held in individual as well as group items will be participating in National Youth Festival.

Department of Sports & Youth Services Punjab

Department of Sports & Youth Affairs, Punjab is working to formulate policies which are aimed for the development of Youth of the State. Working under the dynamic leadership of Capt. Amarinder Singh, Honorable Chief Minister of Punjab, the Department of Sports & Youth Services, Punjab has developed a comprehensive plan which is felicitating the all round development of the personality of youth through sports and community services. The aim is strike a balance between inculcating moral and human values in youth so that they remain connected with their roots and at the same time walk on the path of progress & development by adopting the new technologies.

The Department of Sports & Youth Services, Punjab is working to formulate and implement policies and programs which are aimed at involving youth in various nation-building activities. In addition the department is working to encourage and popularising sports, cultural activities amongst the youth of Punjab which helps them in developing team spirit and remain competitive for global challenges.


Message from the Pro Chancellor, LPU
Mrs. Rashmi Mittal

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Happenings in LPU